Practice Exercises

Practice Exercise #1:

Identify the following if each is matter or not. On the space before the number, write M if it is a matter and O if it is not.

  1. sound of a police siren
  2. airplane
  3. books on a shelf
  4. heat from a fire
  5. block of ice
  6. light from a toarch
  7. pair of shoes
  8. information from the internet
  9. bouquet of flowers
  10. dozen of donuts

Practice Exercise #2

I. List down the properties of the three phases of matter. Use the table below.


II. Give at least 5 examples of solid, liquid, and gas that are found in your homes. List them down in the table below.


III. Answer the following questions.

  1. Have you tried getting a very cold soft drink from your refrigerator or buying one from a store? What did you observe outside the soft drink bottle after a while? What do you think is this? Explain how it happened?
  2. As scientific and technological knowledge increases, our society uses resources at an even-increasing rate. This results to generation of more wastes, usually solid wastes. List at least (5) materials we discard as solid wastes and suggest ways of reprocessing or recycling these materials.